The One Thing You Need To Know While Working Out In A Mask

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It’s been so nice to start to see clients again in the studio. Now that we are in our “new normal” if we do want to workout inside we’ll all be wearing masks. It seems like it might be difficult but it really isn’t!

To make this very simple: your nose is for breathing and your mouth is for eating. If you focus on breathing in and out through your nose, your mask will feel less hot and steamy. You won’t feel so claustrophobic either - I don’t at least.

You can bring this concept into other times you’re wearing your mask such as when it’s hot outside or doing any other kind of exercise. And, as we move into colder weather (in Montauk at least!) by breathing in through your nose versus your mouth you will be bringing in warm filtered air into your lungs versus cold air through your mouth (source:

This is your opportunity to tune into your breath and let it help you even more than it already does in pilates. GIve it a try and let me know how it goes!


Bake With Out Your Oven