How I Fight Seasonal Allergies, Naturally
I love the change of seasons.
Spring feels like a breath of fresh air and gives you that pep in your step we all need after a cold and grey winter. But if you’re anything like me, you’re also an allergy sufferer! I live for spending time outside, especially crisp runs in the morning amongst the blossoming trees and flowers. I don’t take typical over the counter allergy medicines because of not only what they’re made of but even more importantly how they make me feel (like I’m on speed with a super dry everything!). Below is my personal remedy that has done wonders for me - a lot of it was recommended to me by my amazing acupuncturist, Sharon Yeung at Five Seasons Healing. I have to mention that this is not medical advice but purely what I have found to be tried and true and that most importantly makes me feel good!
I have been using a Neti Pot daily for almost a decade. You use a special salt for it that rinses your sinuses. You could say that I am addicted to the feeling. It wakes you up, cleans everything out (literally), and helps prevent that itchy nose that comes with allergies. You have to boil the water first to kill all bacteria in the water, pour it in and then let it cool for about 10-15 minutes. I like to do this at the end of my shower once my nasal passages have softened a bit. It’s also amazing when you have a head cold.
During high allergy seasons I take Quercitin to help keep allergy symptoms at bay. This was recommended to me by my accupuncturist and I can tell you first hand how much it has helped me! I really like the one made by Cymbiotika. As always, before you start taking anything please consult with your Dr, accupuncturist or other health professional.
Change your pillow case and/or wash your hair frequently
By going to bed with freshly cleaned hair and a new pillow case, it will help prevent you from breathing into allergens all night long. When I’m in an acute phase I prioritize this and have felt the benefits of it. If I can’t wash my hair, swapping out a fresh pillow case before bed can be just as effective for me!
I started seeing Sharon, my acupuncturist for allergies about a decade ago. She was so helpful in treating me for the symptoms and guiding me along the path of what you’ve just read above. Since then, I go to her often for other things! I cannot tell you how much relief I have found using this special treatment and highly recommend!
I hope these things work for you! If you give them a try, tag me on Instagram or comment below!
xx, Ashley