Make Coffee With Me
My triple cappuccino literally gets me out of bed
I mean a lot of things get me out of bed in the morning, but the beautiful, creamy, and delicious triple cap I make every morning is definitely helpful. Not to mention, disposable coffee cups are so bad for the environment - it’s estimated that 50 Billion coffee cups are dumped in the US alone each year. In addition, many cups are lined with BPA or PFAS which are not good for you. You will save money, the environment, and your health by switching to a homemade coffee!
Set yourself up for success before you drink your coffee
I started taking Cymbiotika’s Magnesium L-Threonate before my morning coffee about 6 months ago and it has made a huge difference for me. It really helps how your body absorbs caffeine and I notice I don’t get that post coffee crash layered with some anxiety. I love all of their products as you don’t have to swallow a lot of pills as they’re liquid. Highly recommend to add to your morning regimen!
These are great because they are compostable and not made of plastic! They literally disintegrate in my Lomi Composter, it’s amazing. I have a huge stock in my kitchen so I never run out thanks to a subscription. I get all three flavors to keep things interesting. I go for 3 each morning and then call it a day on coffee.
We bought this machine over a decade ago and haven’t looked back. It’s tiny which is perfect for a NYC kitchen. If you’re looking for something with a small footprint, this would be it!
Maple syrup to make it sweet
I use a teaspoon of maple syrup to sweeten my coffee. Maple won’t spike your blood sugar and has the lowest amount of sugar as far as coffee sweeteners go. I always buy this in bulk from Thrive Market!
Grass Milk
I don’t consume much dairy but when I do I try to make it grass fed, organic, raw if I can (obviously this is not raw), and often opt for sheep or goat’s milk. For this though, I have settled on organic grass fed milk and it works great for me. It’s getting easier to find grass milk in the stores and highly recommend if you can find it!
This milk frother is amazing! The best part is it is dishwasher safe! It makes cleaning up my morning routine very easy. I use this for my coffee every morning but also things like an evening hot cocoa.
And then I enjoy my morning cup!
I put it all together in my favorite mug from Shiprwreck in Montauk and enjoy it, thoroughly! If you give any of my tips a try, be sure to tag me on Instagram or comment below!
xx, Ashley